8 Şubat 2021 Pazartesi

 Hello to everyone. 

Watch the video with recommendations for safe use of the internet. Are you safe on the Internet?

7 yorum:

  1. Being safe on the internet will have many advantages for you. There are many things we can do to ensure our security in the internet environment. We can list these processes as follows; 1. Using Strong Passwords!
    2. Not Sharing Your Passwords With Anyone!
    3.Using two-factor authentication
    4. Choosing safe sites!
    we can give examples

  2. The video simulations are very nice. Really, the traffic on the internet is very heavy. In this traffic, we need to choose which information is correct and which information is wrong. We shouldn't be fooled by advertisements that could fool us. We should also use our minds on the internet and love our cyber mind.

  3. Really useful video. For safe internet use;
    Don't Click on Every Link You See
    Make Sure Your Internet Connection Is Safe
    Be careful what you download
    Be careful who you meet
    Keep Your Virus Protection Program Updated

  4. İnterneti kullanırken dikkatli olmalıyız.Özel bilgilerimizi kimse ile paylaşmamalı ve güvenilir olmayan sitelere şifrelerimizi yazmamalıyız.Bu sayede interneti daha güvenli kullanmış oluruz.
    We must be careful when using the internet. We should not share our private information with anyone and we should not write our passwords to unreliable sites, so we use the internet more securely.
    Zehra ŞBY-Şehit Birol Yavuz İmam Hatip Ortaokulu

  5. İnterneti kullanırken çok dikkatli olmalıyız. Bilmediğimiz sitelere girip bilgilerimizi paylaşmamalıyız. Eğer bilgilerimizi paylaşırsak kötü şeyler olabilir. Ayrıca ailemizden izinsiz bilmediğimiz sitelere girmemeliyiz.

    We must be very careful when using the Internet. We should not visit unfamiliar sites and share our information. If we share our knowledge, bad things can happen. In addition, we should not enter sites that we do not know without permission from our family.
    Rumeysa- Şehit Birol Yavuz İmam hatip Ortaokulu


  6. İnternet bazen çok tehlikeli olabiliyor. Bu nedenle çok dikkatli olmalıyız. Önemli önemsiz hiç bir bilgimizi internette paylaşmamalıyız. Ayrıca güvenilir olmayan ya da bilmediğimiz sitelere girmemeli, gireceksek de o siteyi iyi bir şekilde araştırmalıyız. Daha çok bilinçlenmeliyiz. Bu şekilde olabilecek kötü durumlardan korunabiliriz.

    Internet can be very dangerous sometimes. That's why we have to be very careful. We should not share any of our important, trivial information on the Internet. In addition, we should not enter sites that are not reliable or that we do not know, and if we do, we should investigate that site well. We have to be more conscious. In this way, we can be protected from bad situations that may occur.
    Zeynep–Şehit Birol Yavuz İmam Hatip Ortaokulu


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